A review by yodamom
Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop


Meg, the prophet. Meg the sheltered, Meg the human, Meg the frightened, Meg the confused, Meg the girl with bad dreams who has some wolf in her. I love this character. She is so fragile, so brave and loyal she wins everyones heart. Meg, is transforming into herself, she is fumbling with what it means to be a human and how to fit in with her Other family as well. The tingling in getting worse, the dreams are getting more bloody and Simon is getting interesting. She spends much of her time fighting her urges, till it can wait no longer, and when she bleeds something horrible is revealed.
Simon, Poor dear Alpha wolf has his hands full and his emotional tangled up with "his Meg". He has to fight his nature, when she is involved. Watching him struggle with this was a lot of fun. He just had the hardest time losing control and trying to cover when everyone but him understood what was going on. yep, he is one dense wolf-man. There are major events taking place, the humans need to be stopped lives depend on it not juts his Meg.

The Others take action to defend their people and their lands. The danger that strikes is cruel and underhanded and very deadly. i The danger also effects the humans, the Others start to bridge a connection with a few select humans to try to solve this in a more gentle way rather than slaughter them all and be done with it. But trusting does not come so easy to all the Others. I love all the Others, Tess is my favorite side character at the moment. She really took care of business. She didn't ask permission nor did she ask for forgiveness.
Promises are made, promises are kept and everything will change in the end. Watching the slow growth of friendship, trust and perhaps more is such a joy. The pacing is perfect, believable and exciting with the wait.The final dinner had my giddy for them both.