A review by merricatadamtine
Songbook by Nick Hornby


Nick Hornby starts out the book by saying that these will not be essays about the memories these song invoke, so "Love is a Mix Tape" this is not. However, he has quite a few things to say about the thoughts these songs might generate. And being Nick Hornby, he does state everything quite well. This book did inspire me to look up quite a few of these songs and give them a listen. I just wish that the CD included with the book included all of the songs he mentions, rather than just a few. I feel that would have give the book a wholeness I found lacking. I was particularly cheered by his statement regarding popular media "It's a strange critical phenomena that only works of art that are "edgy", "scary" or "dangerous" are regarded in any way noteworthy...I don't want to be terrified by art anymore." This is a sentiment that I get pegged as "Pollyannaish" when I express. I was happy to see one of my favorite authors express the same feelings I have in a much more succinct fashion.