A review by accio_coffee
The Redemption of Callie & Kayden by Jessica Sorensen


ahhh this book was so emotional and Kayden broke my heart so much! Callie was defeinetely the strongest for both of them! Despite what she went through and how she was in the first book, she changed and grew so much! She was the glue that held them together. The first book was Callie falling apart and Kayden being there for her and helping her. This book was Kayden finally crumbling from his shitty childhood and Callie being there for him. This book still left some unanswered questions. Thats why I only gave it 4 stars because the whole thing with his parents, Caleb and even Luke just basically left me hanging and wanting to know what happened. Which now we have to wait for the next book and I cant wait for Luke and Violet books. Although I don't see Violet as a likable person but I loved Luke.