A review by emiliedeeann
The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology by Juliana McCarthy


Wonderful book! I began my astrological journey about 8 years ago. Everything I learned was through online research, observation and personal intuition. I read charts for people now (for fun) because astrology is just something I get. However, despite my background, this book pulled me down to the fundamentals of astrology. It was like I took my own path but needed to check my bias and the facts and refer to simplicity in order for upward projection. I highly recommend this book to anyone!

I gave it 4 instead of 5 stars for a few reasons; first, there were I felt some subtle biases showing about some signs/placements (I understand it, though), and I also felt that it got a bit repetitive between planets & signs. I personally feel very strongly that each planet is almost a new sign in an of itself, so I did disagree with a few minor approaches.

Overall, a very well written book carefully constructed to teach and bring understanding. McCarthy is pure in her intentions and her passion for each sign as well as astrology’s ability and potential to bring us together and help us grow as individuals is beautiful. I absolutely loved McCarthy’s approach to the practice and connected with it deeply.