A review by guerrillabooks
How to Ditch Your Fairy by Justine Larbalestier


I am about to finish up How to Ditch Your Fairy by Justine Larbalastier... When I first started reading, I have to say I wasn't immediately impressed by it BECAUSE I wasn't latching on to the storyline... but then something triggered in me, I became intrigued by Fiorenze and Charlie and the whole concept of "believing" in fairies and other fairy-like implications... luck, being really good at one thing in particular (catching a ball, not dropping a ball, finding parking spots, attracting boys, etc...); the concept of getting rid of your fairy also became intriguing to me - if only we really could change our luck in real life! And finally, all the cool words she comes up with (unless they are just Australian-isms that I'm not familiar with): doos, pulchy, etc...
Unless the ending is not at all doos, I'd say I would recommend this book to other gals.

Update: I just found this other more noteworthy reviewer (The Compulsive Reader) of YA books.
Check out their review of the same book.