A review by ktcarlston
I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time by Laura Vanderkam


I do like Laura Vanderkam but this book took me awhile to push through and some of her suggestions as to how to make the most of your time just don't work for me. Her idea of just letting dishes pile up so that you do them all at once is something I just can't handle - it's not how I work. In response she would say, "let it go" and in response to her I would say, "but I don't like living with ants." Also her suggestion of "if you are going to pay for housekeeping really pay for it" - I am happy that she and her husband seem to have an inexhaustible budget - we have someone who comes in and does the big jobs (for which I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE) and in all honesty, I would love to have this woman come in everyday and take care of everything but in reality - I also like having money to spend on other things besides paying someone else to do my laundry (which continues to be one of my most hated tasks).

I really do like the idea of doing weekly planning on Fridays and I also really love the idea of being much more thoughtful about using work time and home time wisely. There were some good things in here but also some things that were hard to stomach.