A review by mehsi
The Wrath of the Woolington Wyrm by Karen Foxlee


A very fun book about monsters, family, and finding courage!

I have been eyeing this one for a while so I was delighted when I could get it around December and read it during my Christmas holidays~ This is definitely a series that I hope to read more of.

Meet Mary-Kate, an anxious girl who likes things to go right. She has certain rituals, she likes certain colours. She doesn’t want to use items until JUST the right moment is there. But she will have to get out of her comfort zone when her mom takes her to an archaeological dig in a small town. I really liked Mary-Kate from the start and could see certain things of me in her. I was definitely rooting for her to come out of her shell and comfort zone and discover the mystery in the town, I loved how her mom was both comforting Mary-Kate but also motivating her to try out new things. We see Mary-Kate write down all sorts of hints/stuff she comes across and I loved seeing her go to meetings and discover the town. Of course, we see that things get a bit much for her, but she comes back stronger. I love how dedicated she becomes to the mystery of the wyrm and tries everything to solve it before the well is either closed off or destroyed completely.

I loved reading about this small town and about its mysteries and folklore. About the wyrm and what it is. I just love it when towns have a history and one filled with monsters/mythical stuff even.

The added bits at each chapter featuring a monster hunter were a fun addition and I do hope that we will get more of them in the next books, maybe even meet the author or get to know her in another way. I would love that!

I wasn’t too sure about Arabella at the start. But as the story continued and we saw more of Arabella (and her cute horse Pickles) I started to like her more and more. I had expected she would be a prissy girl and would be stuck-up (mostly thanks to how her dad acts) but instead she is really sweet and I loved seeing her become friends with Mary-Kate.

The ending was an exciting rollercoaster filled with OMG moments and I just loved how everything came together and also what happened to the Wyrm.

All in all, I cannot wait for the second book and I would recommend this fun book to everyone looking for a book full of mysteries, a character learning to be brave/trust people, monsters, and more to all.

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/