A review by hwest27
Daisy Haites by Jessa Hastings


⭐️ 4 stars — I have so many thoughts. This is the craziest series I’ve genuinely ever read. It’s a mash of the most random things and story lines but written so incredibly well and works??? I think this series has the most complex characters I’ve ever read. I literally hate everyone. I hate them. But I have so much empathy for them and also love them. They are so twisted, toxic, and awful. But you also have sympathy for them because you see and understand their humanity and brokenness that their awful decisions stem from. Yet, it’s written in such a way that isn’t romanticized. It is intentionally raw and honestly has left me speechless at times. I am just fascinated with how it is written. I’ve never read anything like this ever.

Beyond that, specific thoughts (spoilers!!)

- Didn’t loveeeeee Daisy and Christian?? I felt like their chemistry almost felt forced at times??? But also I think it got better as the book went on, and I think when the book ends and Daisy tells Christian she loves him because he reminds her of Julian and the only true love she’s ever known….that struck a chord for me and it made me love them more (will say I loved the whole nickname everyone including him has for her it wasn’t cheese it was a slay)
- I was lowkey so anti Christian coming from Magnolia Parks and grew to like him a lot more, but it is interesting reading him as such a hot headed character. Whereas BJ was so insecure, Christian is jealous and quick to anger and overly protective which makes sense in his line of work but it personally felt **triggering** to me but that is a me thing (and further evidence of Hastings incredible characterization)
- Can we get more insight though into what Christian’s actual line of work is because I know he’s in the crime world but it’s unclear what he does??
- I know I will come to love Julian probably again but honestly right now I feel a big f*** him because that is so awful and horrible what he did and my heart breaks for Daisy
- Haters might hateeeeee this one but realizing that Magnolia and Daisy are two sides of the literal same coin. They both crave male validation due to daddy/mommy issues and use men as a way to cope. Chefs kiss on that writing
- I know I need to be anti Romeo and I kinda am but also kinda not and it’s because she writes characters so well but it’s the same way I hate BJ but I also don’t fully and maybe that’s because I’m a sucker for the first love trope
- Slay everything lovely about how they are art robbers. Kinda dope. Wish we got a scene with them pulling off the heist that would’ve made this 5 stars for me
- Prediction: I KNOWWWWW that the texts to the random number always was Julian texting Magnolia I KNOWWWW IT and it’s even further evidence in this book where we learn things that Magnolia never shared in the first book and you realize she’s an unreliable narrator so I know something will happen there. Have a feeling Julian will have to flee the country due to everything he did in the last book and will go to NYC and run into Manolia and they’ll fall in love
- Last thing: I know it’ll be further developed but this whole like Henry and Jonah liking the same girl thing is super weird to me and the way it’s written is giving me like the three of them will be together and it’s creeping me out and NOT up my alley so hoping that’s not the case.

Anyways sorry for the word vomit here but have too many so so many thoughts on this and probably more to come but just know this is crazy