A review by allmadhere106
You Really Got Me by Erika Kelly


I was looking for another Rockstar Romance series and this one kept popping up on lots of lists. I liked both Slater and Emmie right away and liked the dual narration here. I appreciated the different approach of them getting together when the band is popular on a local scene but they aren't signed yet. It added a new layer and helped it stand out from the others in the group. The other members of the band are interesting too, but they aren't fully fleshed out as much as they could be. I had a lot of questions about the other members in the band besides Slater and Derek--they seem to make some odd choices.

The build up and banter in this is excellent until about 70% through the book, and then it isn't as compelling anymore. The book definitely had all the elements to keep me hooked, but the ending wasn't as strong as I wanted it to be. The pacing felt a bit off as well. In the beginning, we spend almost too much time telling instead of showing and I felt like the book was too long there. There could have been some more editing to combat this, especially since then the last chunk of the book felt like there were parts missing.

Overall, I enjoyed the book and the band of characters (no pun intended), even though there were some things that I found inconsistent. I plan to read at least the next book since it's about her brother and Derek was such a wonderful character, both as Slater's best friend and as Emmie's brother.

Tropes: m/f; super hot recovering man whore trying-to-make it Austin, Texas rocker meets organized intelligent music business savvy New York female; slow burn--there's A LOT of sexual tension while we wait for the sexy times; crude language and sexy goodness; friends to lovers; roommates--oh my god they're roommates; dealing with bad relations with parents; she was cheated on in the past and is trying to find her sexy; romance with the brother's best friend--he's in a band with her brother; scenes featuring drugs and others having sex--witnessing the band go wild for a time; manipulation from an outside party threatens their lurve--no physical cheating, though emotions are involved.

Heat rating: HOT—sex scenes throughout with explicit language, which adds to the overall story and relationship.