A review by kittycat2302
Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett


This was EXCEPTIONAL. My favorite of the series thus far, and by a decent amount I think. I'm told everyone has a book where they think Pratchett gets good... well, I've thought he's been good for a long while now, but this may be the book where he gets GREAT.

I am shocked to discover that I actually prefer the Night's Watch books to the Witches books so far. This one had the added benefit of an actual female main character (Angua), plus the return of Sybil Ramkin, in a sadly much smaller role. But the real shining stars in this book were Carrot, Detritus, and Cuddy. My goodness, they were just... phenomenal. And the actual mystery was also really good- very interesting and I definitely couldn't figure out what was going to happen until it did.

All in all, this is one I could see myself truly returning to from time to time. And it, again, adds another point in my list of "should definitely read in publication order" reasons. None of this would have meant nearly so much had we not met so many of these characters earlier.

Looking forward to starting SOUL MUSIC later this week!