A review by rballenger
The Anthropocene Reviewed: Essays on a Human-Centered Planet by John Green


Type of read: Commuter Read.

What made me pick it up: I love John Green and I wanted a book that I knew had a very slim chance of disappointing me.

Overall rating: Here's the thing, 'The Anthropocene Reviewed' is not your typical John Green book...and that is one of the reasons why I absolutely love it. Don't get me wrong, your typical John Green book is one of my favorites to pick up. I love their style, cadence, characters, everything. 'The Anthropocene Reviewed' is an extensive but targeted look at the things going on in our everyday world and how Green would rate them (which in itself is a hilarious concept because the book starts with a whole breakout on the frivolity of reviews and their meaninglessness). This is not a book that you speed read and take in all in one day, it's also not a binge-by-night read that keeps you up with your flashlight under the covers. But it is an amazingly well-crafted, well-thought-out, unique look at our world and what the f*ck we're doing on this planet. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I give The Anthropocene Reviewed four out of five stars.