A review by krystlekouture
Für eine Handvoll Mäuse: Ein Fall für Mrs. Murphy by Sneaky Pie Brown, Rita Mae Brown


Disclosure: Review is based on a free sample.

Enjoyability: 4

I really liked reading about small town life and hearing the animals chitchat. The pace was leisurely.

Re-Readability: 2

Character Development: 3
The human characters did not seem to have much depth. The animals on the other hand where much more developed! I've never read any other Rita Mae Brown books and I found it really hard to keep track of who was who. When the murderer was revealed I said:Wait who was he/she again?

Complexity: 3

The opening/murders are really unique.

Writing Style: 3

The writing style is easy to read and understand. However, I got bogged down at certain points. The murder is not mentioned for chapters at a time, and the author goes on some tangents on unrelated political issues.

Believability: 3

Since when do small towns have their own CSI department?!

Overall, this book really captured the essence of fall/halloween. If you don't mind a slower based cozy I'd recommend this one.