A review by profromance
The Accidental Girlfriend by Emma Hart


Overall Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“I had feelings for Mason Jackson. Very real feelings. There. The truth was out there.”

“Accidentally kissing Lauren Green? That rattled me.”

These two lines sum up Emma Hart’s newest book, The Accidental Girlfriend. This is a romantic comedy about two commitment-phobic, single-life loving, people who, much to their chagrin, fall for each other. It is funny, frustrating, and farcical. Mason and Lauren are the epitome of everything right and wrong about romance.

The story follows these two as they meet each unconventionally. Lauren is essentially dared by her friends to place an ad online to find a date. They aren’t interested in her finding a relationship, just a date. So, she does it. She places her information online with the intent to go on one date to appease her friends. Mason’s sister wants him to move past his ex-girlfriend, so she contacts Lauren and arranges for her to accompany Mason to his high school reunion as a way to push back against Mason’s ex. From their meeting, these two connect. Unfortunately, neither of them is interested in a relationship, while everyone around them is. With some further meddling, Mason and Lauren’s feelings grow, and they are left with the decision to fight their initial plans to stay single or find a future with each other.

Here’s the thing about this story. It’s a fun read. Mason and Lauren engage in verbal gymnastics throughout the entire book. Each has something smart to say to the other as they verbally spar each other, and it is a strong set-up for foreplay. They have an initial chemistry that makes the story an easy read.

The Accidental Girlfriend is the perfect beach read. There is no real angst between the two. The potential problem is easily resolved, and this book has a happily-ever-after. Mason and Lauren are lovable characters, albeit Lauren can be a tad frustrating with the stubbornness. Mason’s family members will make you laugh out loud, and Lauren’s friends are no different. This book’s qualities conspire to Make you laugh aloud. If you love a romance that makes you feel good about relationships when it ends, then you should buy this book.

“I don’t owe anyone but you anything. I don’t owe my mother, my sister, my aunt, my grandpa—I don’t owe them a single […] thing where my relationships are concerned. The only person I give a […] about is you. You are the only person I want to convince about us.”