A review by bobdudley
The Age of American Unreason by Susan Jacoby


This book was written in 2008 and though almost all of the material is relevant to today's political situation. The only real change is in the political situation is that the bar is set far lower than it was in 2008. Today stupidity and ignorance have mot only become the norm and accepted, it has also received praise.

Ms Jacoby lays the blame squarely on our education system. Instead of a rigorous and broad range of subject matter with high expectations we have copped out to a very low bar and a fairly narrow education that inadequately prepares the student to make wise decisions in their life. Ms. Jacoby takes a 'liberal' position; however, education should be apolitical and broad examining all sides of an issue.

She also aims her arrows at a target rich environment of things, people and organizations that have destroyed the intellectual capacity of our nation. It is not a book to be read all at one, it is best to read small sections and look up the references in the footnotes. One will receive and unexpected education while doing so. My reading list has dramatically increased because of this book.