A review by aethenea
The Sound of Us by Julie Hammerle


I received an e-arc copy via NetGalley. Thank you NetGalley and Entangled: Teen.

When I saw the cover of The Sound of Us I was immediately hooked. It's just beautiful. So many YA contemporaries have a really ugly cover but this one is definitely well done. But we don't read books because of their cover, right? (well, sometimes ...)

The Sound of Us tells the story of Kiki, a girl who is spending her summer practising her singing skills in opera summer camp. This combines some of my most favourite things - summer, singing and camping. I was sure this story would be very cute and I was not disappointed.

As I am singer myself (not opera though), I could get what Kiki is going through. I really liked her character. In a way she reminded me of Emily from Since You've Been Gone - always in a shadow of her (ex)best friend, a little bit socially awkward but otherwise a very interesting person who just thinks she's completely plain.

I did enjoy the amount of Twitter that's in this book. Sometimes I get the feeling that social platforms are completely left out of YA contemporaries which is weird because social platforms are parts of young adults' lives.

I really enjoyed the whole story, of course there was a romance but I felt it was well developed - it was afraid it'S going to be an insta-love thing because those two characters did have an instant connection but their "relationship" did develop slowly and it wasn't rushed.

Of course, there was a certain amount of teenage drama - well what else would get the plot moving,right? Buut again, I didn't find it horrible. The only thing that was kind of implausible to me was the insane strick rules of the summer camp.

Overall I liked this story very much, I think it is a perfect light summer read! I can definitely recommend it! :)