A review by amandasamuelson
The Complete Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino



I adore Calvino’s writing and his imaginative mind. And I adore Qfwfq, the narrator of the majority of these stories. What a life he’s led. Most stories begins with a scientific blurb, article, or quote. And Calvino totally spins it on its head and writes a dreamy poetic story that gives us insight into a version of the universe lived and experienced by dear Qfwfq. There were some stories that felt like a bit of a slog to get through, admittedly. And part of me was a bit distracted at times by things that took place in some stories that completely contradicted things that took place in other stories. But I don’t believe that Calvino meant for this to be a seamless narrative. They are a bunch of short stories written over the course of several years and published separately, to be fair. If you like science and science fiction these stories won’t disappoint you.