A review by julierl
The Communist Manifesto and Other Writings by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels

informative fast-paced
Feels weird rating this book, but anyway. 
It is interesting reading something so political and of its time. Some things I lack context for, words or societal roles, but other things are enhanced by knowing more of our history. We have had a very strong middle class through the 20th century, but it is currently erroding as the owning of capital and property slowly ends up with Musk and Bezos. 
Aboloshing property sounds ridiculus in a way, until you remember the black woman during the 2020 protests in America shouting "we don't own anything." That is Marx and Engels' point as well. I in particular like how they challenge the idea that owning property is what makes an individual, because that means only landowners get to be considered people. 
Some of the things they dreamed of have happened most places: public school, less child labour! A cause worth fighting for.