A review by avoraciousreader68
Our Darkest Hour by Gabriella E. Mari



Book source ~ TWR Tour

Adrian Sinclair has a life altering experience and now he not only can sense the energy of spirits, he can see and hear them, too. When weird things start happening at his house, his family calls in the Crossroads Paranormal Research Society to put a stop to it. But they do something else as well. They take Adrian on as an intern so he can learn how his new abilities work and how he can control them. This puts him on a path he could never have envisioned.

This is a story full of heart! With great characters, interesting plot, and paranormal aspects it’s a tale that kept me turning the pages. The pacing is a bit slow in spots and could probably have been trimmed a bit, but that doesn’t detract too much from its appeal. 

Oh, Adrian. The things you’ve been through. The author should be ashamed! Just kidding. Sometimes characters have to be put through the wringer in order to grow. And Adrian does grow. But not without help from his new friends. This heartfelt story of loss, love, and the dangerously weird is really one that shouldn’t be missed.