A review by damnitdelayna
We Used to Live Here by Marcus Kliewer



don’t think I read the same book as everyone else? As someone who is VERY easily scared this came across as satire to me. I was laughing out loud at the writing. You can very much tell this is a debut novel that came to life from a subreddit. Could have greatly benefitted from editing. This might be a me thing but “golly gosh” and “jeepers”  dialogue just don’t give me the horror vibe 😂 

Eve is maybe the dumbest MC to date. Like even if she is in a psychosis home girl is an IDIOT. At the very least she needs to dump real Charlie bc the moment I tell Shane someone is in the house and he says “yea we will check in the morning” and goes right back to sleep his ass is gone! 

I do appreciate the attempt to close the circle at the end but holy shit were there plot holes and loose ends galore. I have ENTIRELY too many questions left unanswered. 

Just a few:
Why are they there? Like what the hell is the endgame here?
Is Thomas the only evil entity or there are other entities working together? 
Was Heather in on it since it seemed like there was something at her house too?
Was there a hidden meaning in the address change?
Is Shylo okay?!
What the fuck do the circles mean?
Did the dad being in a band have any meaning at all? 
Was Allison even real?
Why the hell would Eve not full stop the moment Charlie said “we will check in the morning for the guy in the basement” you got me fucked up with that one 😭😂 I can’t let it go!!!

Lastly, I would have loved this to have an underlying meaning. The weird alternate dimension vibe reminded me of Vivarium (love) but didn’t hit the mark like that bc it had no reason whatsoever. Shit was just happening to happen. And if it did have an underlying meaning and I was too dumb to get it please let me know so I can rethink the entire book tysm.