A review by jazmin
Pretty Reckless by L.J. Shen


“There is nothing more poetically inspiring than loving the right person at the wrong place at the wrong time”

I should have learned my lesson by now but I didn’t expect this book to be nearly as sad and drama-filled as it was?

Daria… it was weird to have her as the main character because she was so different than all the past ones in this world. It was easy to love her and even easier to hate her. It’s hard to talk about her character without spoiling a lot of the plot because it revolves around her arc and relationships, but I can say she was anything but boring to read about.

This was the first time we met Penn, so all of my opinions on him were formed over this book. He’s one of my least favourites of the male leads, not because he was a bad character but because this story was in my mind, about Daria. He was always at the back of my mind while she was front and centre.

Honestly, I don’t think the romance was as prevalent in this book, because what sticks out to me were the familial aspects. Daria and her mom. Daria and her dad. Daria and her sister. That arc was the most important thing because it was something Daria deserved, and something she needed to want for herself.

And I haven’t said this yet even though I’ve been thinking it since the first book in this world: I love how each book follows a theme that is important to the characters of that book! (Like the ballet shoes in this book.) I also loved the poems at the start of every chapter in this book.

“I wish I could rewrite you out of my life
But all your pages are highlighted
Dog-eared and thumbed to death
I can no longer read you
But you are still my favorite poem”

My Pretty Reckless Playlist:
Cute Without the E by Taking Back Sunday