A review by schin
Goddess of Legend by P.C. Cast


I think this book has received the most contraversial reviews yet among others in the series. While some absolute adores this version of Arthur, others find it down-right appalling. For me, I find it funny.

Yes, yes, I know. What a response, eh? Truth to be told, I usually pick up a new P.C. Cast book when I want a happy ending. An alternative to Disney, you see. I supposed it is because of that that I find this book tolerable, quite decent, and may I daresay, enjoyable. I mean, no matter what you say about how Ms. Cast has changed Arthur, you have to admit that this book has more original jokes. I mean, pickles? *belly laugh*

So, down to business: Arthur. Personally speaking, I do find this version a little less... majestic, I supposed. I have watched Merlin the TV series and even though that Arthur is younger than this Arthur, he has more of that larger-than-life feeling. If you ask me I would believe which Arthur has pulled out the Excalibur, I would definitely say the Arthur in the TV series.

That being said, I think it is a little out-of-hand in this case. Every one has their own cup of tea is it not? So I supposed we shouldn't judge Ms.Cast so harshly with her version of Arthur. After all, I did see many readers who like it.

But as for the things that can be controlled... Well, the best example will have to be the battle. What battle you say? Bingo! There isn't one. Anyone thinks of [b:Breaking Dawn|1162543|Breaking Dawn (Twilight, #4)|Stephenie Meyer|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1361039438s/1162543.jpg|2960529]? Wigs and poison mushroom? I know that Ms. Cast is trying to show the power of women and everything but this is just overdoing it. I rolled my eyes so hard on that one my eyeballs could've gotten stuck that way.

A good try, though, I think. My advice is think of the ridiculousness as funny and you would enjoy the whole book.