A review by michellehenriereads
The Trouble with Fairy Godmothers by Kimberly King


The original review is posted at www.talesuntangled.wordpress.com

I didn't know what to expect with The Trouble With Fairy Godmothers and was delightfully surprised. Anytime I jump into a book, I want to feel like I'm really there. Entering the pages of this book felt like walking into high school, along with all the teen concerns and angst.

Nikki sounds like a normal 15-year-old girl: a little self-centered, a little shallow, and a lot insecure. More than anything she wants that first kiss, not true love, just a kiss. But there's actually more to it than that. Her fairy godmother, Harriet Snodgrass, assures her a particular boy would be happy to get the job done, but Nikki turns up her nose at that suggestion. So, she wants more than that first kiss - she wants a swoony kiss. A kiss to remember forever. I agree with her on one point, at 15 she isn't ready for a true happily ever after.

Nikki's friends add to the confusion in her life with miscommunication. I wonder if girls can move beyond the kinds of hurt they inflict on one another. It's emphasized how they've had their friendship for such a long time, and I thought that was a good way to make it believable. But between you and me, I thought their behavior was shocking! Don't we all have a different standard for others than ourselves though? You'll have to see if you could forgive your friend for man-stealing, blatant advances towards every guy you've ever liked, lying, manipulating and dishonesty.

One of the moments that is a little funny-sad is how Nikki is shocked when her older sister treats her well. As parents, we always want all our kids to treat each other well, but we all know that doesn't always happen. Nikki's relationship with her sister feels genuine.

Harriet Snodgrass made me smile. Things just didn't quite go her way. The details of her outfits of mismatched shoes, pumpkins and mice, sparkles and even a pesky wand were clever reminders of what we expect out of a fairy godmother. Bippity-boppity-boo! She was a bit more of a bippity-boppity-bungle kind of fairy. She also had strange taste in men - though she easily saw past the surface qualities.

By the end, if you think Nikki will be a whole new girl you might be surprised. Everything doesn't quite turn out the way she thought it would. I'd hoped that she'd be a little less shallow as she talked to the nerd, but she remained a true 15-year-old girl and couldn't get beyond his spit-filled braces. Another minor character, Nancy, fleetingly leaped through the pages, and stomped in red heels across the dance floor - she remained angry and disillusioned. I'd hoped poor Nancy would catch a break.

 This is a perfect fun read and I'd recommend it. I like the fact that the story emphasizes friendship even more than the perfect first kiss. And did Nikki get her first kiss? So sorry, to find that out, you'll have to read the book.