A review by tinkcourtney
Izzy and the Right Answer by R. Cooper


Really enjoyable and unique

The blurb to this caught my attention - an ace, femme, neuroatypical guy with anxiety having a crush on someone - and the book delivered even more than I hoped for. We are in Izzy’s POV the whole time, which is done really well. Izzy is brilliant, but he often doesn’t GET nuances and social cues, so we the readers are often left knowing what’s really going on and waiting for Izzy to figure it out.

It’s charming and unique and has FEELS (yes, I cried as well as laughed). I was a tiny bit dissatisfied with where/how it ended; it was such a struggle to GET there that I would have liked to see more of how things worked when they were settled. I’d also call it a bit more of an HFN than an HEA, which I suppose fits for college students, though I feel there’s definite hope for them to last. Still, that doesn’t stop me from loving it and recommending it highly.