A review by bookbowlchallenge
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl


As an adult, reading a book designed for children is interesting and yet wonderful. I had almost forgotten what it was like to be absolutely enchanted by a magical world and allow my imagination to fill in the vivid scenery.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is the perfect conductor of this sense of childlike wonder. Having seen three movies based on this story, I worried that my mental image would be affected by the screen adaptations. This was only partially true.

I wish I could insert myself into the brain of someone who's never read this story or seen any of the films to get a true sense of the magic, but I can imagine it. This seems like it would be a wonderful story to read aloud to a child by the chapter, letting them fill in the gaps with their descriptions of the factory and their inquisitive questions on what happens next.

I have two small critiques. First is the primitive description of the Oompa Loompas. It not only irked me, but pulled me out of my full immersion. Second, the chapter headers completely spoiled the contents of the chapter. If you take the advice to read this aloud to a loved one, I would recommend skipping over the chapter titles.

Overall, this was a quick, joyful read that I would recommend.
