A review by blurrypetals
Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas


Here's a potentially bold comparison: Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire is just a modernized retelling of this.

Think about it. A girl who's trying to live in a suitable role by society's standards, but meets a handsome dark haired stranger in a bloody altercation in the first chapter. She's drawn to him, even though he's a tough guy bad boy type and, after spending a good amount of time together, there's a scene where one of them confesses their feelings for the other person and the other person is afraid of their feelings, so the girl decides to date the safer, blonde haired boy until she decides enough is enough and needs to be with the guy she's actually in love with. The couple gets married really suddenly and basically out of nowhere. The climax happens when there's a fire and then there's a flash forward epilogue where they are living happily ever after with offspring.

There are about a million other little comparisons I could draw, but I think that's more than enough for now. I loved Beautiful Disaster, though, so none of this is deducting points from this book, especially since this book preceded Beautiful Disaster.

This book was a pretty fun little romp. It was nothing too deep or serious, but it had enough of a plot that it held my attention the entire time. The only reason it's a 4 instead of a 5 is because I didn't care for some of the non-con elements displayed in Derek's behavior at times. It wasn't too bad, but it was just enough that I felt slightly uncomfortable whenever Sara (hey, I think I've heard that name somewhere before!) would say no or make her discomfort clear and he'd coerce her. She would almost always concede and it was always fine, but, like I said, it was just enough that I grimaced whenever it surfaced.

Other than that, thought this was a really fun read and I enjoyed myself quite a lot. Good guilty pleasure!