A review by lattelibrarian
Louis Undercover by Isabelle Arsenault, Fanny Britt


This was an absolutely gorgeous book that doesn't dare shy away from the complexities of a childhood riddled with alcoholism and anxiety.  With its use of a limited color palette as a means of conveying the story, the illustrations and narration interweave together to allow for moments of hope and despair to linger as the characters move forward with their lives.  

This story is tender, honest, and compelling, especially as summer vacation takes its ups and downs.  Louis and Truffle are a magnificent pair, reminding me of Over the Garden Wall's protagonists, especially as bees sting, and the family takes a vacation to New York.  They're sweet and adorable, and make the tone of this book lighter than one might expect on alcoholism and anxiety.  

Overall, this was just so, so good.  I've read some of Britt and Arsenault's work before, and this just reminds why they make such a good duo.  I'd definitely recommend this to middle schoolers and up, and for those who are working up the courage to talk to their crush.  

Review cross-listed here!