A review by sheamaryfitz
The Opposite of Me by Sarah Pekkanen


I really liked this one (read it in 3 or 4 days) and I would definitely check out anything else Pekkanan writes. She's got a humorous, light style that's easy to read.
I always like to read books about sisters because I can usually related. Who does feel like we're put into two categories: the "smart" one, or the "pretty" one. What I liked about this book was that it showed those labels are always changing, and that you can be both.
I did think the book was a little predictable (how many books about a successful girl who loses her job and then completely changes her life are out there) but I still really enjoy it. It also made me think about my own life and how I view success (more like Lindsey at the end of the story, and less like her at the beginning).
I felt like the whole "family mystery" thing was kind of thrown in there a little last minute though. I always feel like if the summary on the first page mentions something, it should be an important part of the book. Not that it wasn't important (it did help each sister to let go of who they thought they needed to be), it just felt like it came kind of late.