A review by lululem
Kiss an Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips


daisy is the biggest doormat i’ve ever seen. she was good at the beginning but then she lost her backbone. i don’t respect her. and the telepathic connection she has with the tiger is so ??? apparently they see each others souls and can talk to each other? i dont understand. i liked the tiger tho he was cool. the tiger and the elephant are the best part of the book.

alex made me uncomfortable. he threatens her with a whip for fun. he makes her cigarettes somehow explode to stop her from smoking. i still don’t understand how he does this. his character development was poorly done imo. grovelling? where? also the smut made me uncomfortable. and him calling her ‘angel face’….ew.

i didn’t really feel any chemistry between daisy and alex. the angst was not there, the tension was nonexistent. i also don’t care for either of their characters. their motivations make no sense to me. daisy should’ve left when he gave her the opportunity tbh she would’ve been better off.

the book is set in a circus which i’ve never read before. it was different, but also i didn’t care much about it. after 2/3 the book just went so downhill. the third act was absolutely terrible. the side characters were mostly annoying. i actually liked heather, but i don’t understand why the epilogue was in her pov that made no sense to me.