A review by michellereadatrix
Violets are Red by Mylo Carbia


This book is ... bananas! I loved it. I felt all the feelings. I laughed and I was moved. I hated and loved the two main characters in turn -- felt for them and was angry at them. The tone was snarky and cynical, but then sweet and empathetic. And while I figured out some things, the book still managed to surprise me.

Anyhow, I'm actually hoping there's some kind of sequel as not everything felt resolved, and not everyone who deserved a comeuppance received one. I have to think that will be remedied.

I can't even share my favorite quotes, because they're spoilery, but they were choice.

I love that a conversation Violet had about the nature of Hell and the power of choice took on more resonance as the book continued. Letting go and holding on are both options, and each leads down a different path.

I also loved the different, very dark, fairy tales shared throughout the book. I actually thought I knew the darker versions of stories, and the darker stories, but ... whew!


Edited because I forgot to mention I won a Kindle copy of this book in a Goodreads giveaway, but I promise I'd tell ya if I didn't like it!