A review by stephbookshine
The Word-Keeper by Veronica Del Valle


*I received a free ARC of this book with thanks to the author and Rachel Gilbey at Rachel’s Random Resources blog tours. The decision to review and my opinions are my own.*

If this book had been around when I was a child, I would have read it again and again, until I practically knew it by heart! As it is, in adulthood I merely think it is wonderful!

Florence doesn’t really fit in at school, or even at home very much. Her facility with words makes her extraordinary and yet she always feels like there’s something missing deep inside her. Then, on one of her annual visits to her grandfather in Inkwell, a magical village of inspiration and community spirit, things start to go wrong. The words are getting muddled up and even disappearing. And finally, Florence sees her path… if she’s willing to take it.

I adore Florence. She’s so calm and collected, and I enjoy how she takes the time to think things through properly rather than simply reacting to situations. She’s a bookworm too, so I feel we have lots in common!

In fact, there’s nothing and no one I don’t love in this quirky story about the power of words and the love of reading. There are poems and puzzles, books and recipes, a battle between good and evil, and a sentient bookmark called Ben.

Perfect for any child who enjoys fantasy adventure stories and has a love for words and reading, The Word-Keeper shows us whether the pen really is mightier than the sword, and whether brains beat brawn.

I wish I could live in Inkwell, but failing that I would settle for many, many more stories set there, please!

As soon as the first swish-swish sound of the wind touched her ears, Florence knew it would happen. It always happened on windy nights. She didn’t know why. When she was alone in her bed under her hand-knitted blanket, an itchy feeling loomed in her heart. It was a feeling that told her there was a void in her life. It had nothing to do with the Quarrelsome Queens, nor with Gideon Green. It wasn’t something she’d lost either. It was something that had never been there, yet needed to be, like a clock that won’t start ticking if it has a missing piece.

– Veronica Del Valle, The Word-Keeper

Review by Steph Warren of Bookshine and Readbows blog