A review by kellyhager
The Adoration of Jenna Fox: Chapters 1-5 by Mary E. Pearson


Jenna, a 17-year-old, has just come out of a year-long coma after being in a really bad car accident. She doesn't remember anything (anything) so she's been given all these videotapes to watch.

Her grandmother, who she was really close with, has started treating her differently. She's not mean to Jenna, exactly, but she treats her like a stranger.

Also, her parents refuse to discuss the accident and Jenna's not allowed to leave the house.

So basically Jenna's all "WTF?!"

We find out fairly early (roughly by the end of the first third of the book) what the deal with Jenna is. The story is more how she comes to terms with it.

Really interesting book.