A review by iffer
Victory Conditions by Elizabeth Moon


Bottom line: I really enjoyed this series. Not ground-breaking, but everything about this series is solid.

The character development, plot, action, and military/political setup are solid, and this consistently better-than-adequate "quality," combined with how fun the series is, and fantastic (and discernibly different an believable) female characters, makes this a great read. I binged these suckers like I would marathon sci-fi television.

Vatta's War doesn't take itself too seriously, and it's not trying to be DEEP, though it does have both poignant moments and interesting space opera politics sometimes. The series has a pretty standard trajectory, more commonly seen with female protagonists in fantasy series (which makes sense, since Elizabeth Moon killed the fat fantasy genre before writing this space opera series), of a young girl with a lot of potential maturing as she's thrown into circumstances bigger than herself. There's a love interest thrown in, but it's not a huge element, and everyone likes a rogue-ish space spy.