A review by yetanothersusan
The Girls In The Water by Victoria Jenkins


Things I liked about this book: strong female characters, male characters that weren't jerks, great storyline, good writing. Things I didn't like about this book: I felt like I missed a previous book. So many previous events were referenced in this story that I feel like we should have gotten another book before this one to fill us in. I was also somewhat disappointed that one of the story arcs was resolved within this book. While I am not the world's hugest fan of cliffhangers, if this is going to be an ongoing series, that would have been the perfect storyline to continue on. But, obviously that means that I hope to see more books in the series because I really enjoyed getting to know DS King and DC Lane (or is it the other way around?).

A copy of this book was provided by NetGalley and Bookouture in exchange for an honest review.