A review by mcf
Give Me Your Hand by Megan Abbott


Actual rating: 4.5.

It takes maybe two pages of one of Megan Abbott books to start feeling that familiar creeping dread, by which point you're already hooked. This was very much the case with Give Me Your Hand, another story of a relationship between adolescent girls and its many, usually shattering, consequences. And my use of the word 'another' there isn't derisive -- it's what Abbott writes about, and she does it very, very well. The interesting thing about this particular effort is that the reader often knows what's going to happen before the characters do, and yet it doesn't matter at all. As is often the case with Abbott, the telling and means of discovery are far more important than the events that take place, so being able to anticipate those events offers the reader little protection. My only complaint is that one element of the postscript ties things up a little bit too neatly, but even with that flaw, the book is nearly impossible to put down.

Thanks to NetGalley and Little, Brown and Company for the ARC.