A review by quirkykatie
A Light in the Flame by Jennifer L. Armentrout


This book really focused on unraveling the prophecy. So much happened in this book and it is quite spicy!

We start with a visit from the Arae Holland and the Primal Penellaphe who tell them the prophecy. We learn that Sera is the True Primal of Life because she carries both embers, but her mortal body will not survive the ascension. To be saved, she must be ascended by a primal who loves her. Nyktos cannot love because he's had his kardia removed to protect himself because the only thing that can weaken a primal is love. We know that Sera is trained to kill a primal, but that training is not for Nyktos, but for Kolis. Kolis is the false god of death - he took the embers of life from Eythos (Nyktos' dad). But Eythos placed his embers and Nyktos's embers of life in the Mierel family line to be born with the first daughter who also happens to contain the soul of Sotoria (Kolis's love).

There is an attack on the Shadowlands by a draken who awakens the entombed gods (the fallen). Sera is hurt and drinks Nyktos blood. Then Sera decides it's too dangerous for everyone if she stays in the Shadowlands and she believes it is her mission to seduce and kill Kolis so she tries to run away. But she gets attacked by shades in the forest and then Nyktos saves her again, but not without a blast of eather from Sera. Once Nyktos understands her motivations and learns that his guards don't trust her, he makes a badass speach to everyone in the throne room about how brave she is and how she is deserving of their protection and will make an amazing selfless consort.

Then the Cimmerian attack... Then we meet Attes who is a primal of the hunt and funny and seems quite taken with Sera and definitely amused by her sharp tongue. He relays the message that Kolis does not give consent for the coronation and they will be summoned by him.

Sera realizes that she cares for Nyktos and wants to be his consort and she tells him so. This is a surprise to Nyktos because they'd agreed to be consort in title only - with some sex on the side. Nykos takes her to his secret pool under the castle where they swim and have hot sex.

At some point, Nektas and Nyktos and Sera hatch a plan to try to remove the embers from her so that she can survive the ascension. To do that they have to travel to the pools of Divinah to get the answer to where one of the surviving fates is located - which happens to be in Irelone with Sera's step brother's former betrothed Kayleigh. When Nektas and Sera return from the pools, Sera walks in on Veses feeding from Nyktos and grinding on him.... Sera thinks Nyktos has betrayed her and tells him she's back to "consort in title only" because she's so broken up over it. She goes down to the pool and nearly brings the whole palace down with her rage. Nyktos compels her to sleep to stop her from killing herself by forcing her culling.

When Kolis finally summons them, he does not recognize Sera as Sotoria. But he makes her kill a young draken, one that belonged to Kyn. Kyn makes enemies with Sera/Nyktos over this. Sera follows the dead draken back to his home and brings him back to life and Attes sees but promises not to tell and can't tell Kyn.

Upon returning to the Shadowlands, Veses shows up and attacks Sera. Reaver tries to protect Sera and gets seriously wounded by Veses. Sera stabs her in the eye and Bele fights her. Sera heals Reaver and Veses sees and thinks she's and abomination and needs to protect Nyktos from Kolis's wrath. Then Nyktos shows up and eathers her into stasis and locks her in the dungeon. Rhain eventually admits to Sera that Veses had blackmailed Nyktos into allowing her to feed from him to keep the secret of the consort. So obviously Sera wants her to die. But Sera realizes the sacrifice he's made and realizes she loves him and becomes his consort wearing a dress of starlight. He calls her the Brightest Moon.

Then they travel to Irelone to find out that Nyktos has to kill Sera by draining her to take the embers out of her. Upon learning that this is the only option, Nyktos tries to kill Delfai but stops when Sera asks him to. This surprises Delfai because he's a fate and had seen his death and that was supposed to be how he died... and then he rambled off some things about a silver beast and the brightest moon becoming one....

When they return to the Shadowlands, they are under attack from Kyn. Aios and Ector are nearly beheaded and staked on pikes. Sera brings back Aios and tries to bring back Ector but the shades are attracted by the eather and are attacking her. She gets swallowed in shades and is rescued by Attes, who ends up taking her to Kolis.

We recognize Dyses is Callum and had been meeting with her mother when she was the chosen. Kolis reveals that he's known about her from her birth because her father tried to bargain for life thinking that he was the one who'd made the deal, but Eythos was already dead by then (having been drained by Kolis trying to get the embers from him). Kolis reveals the remainder of the prophecy we haven't heard yet about a new primal of Blood and Ash (Life and Death). And then he starts to drain her but then Sotoria wakes up inside Sera and talks to Kolis. And Kolis realizes that he'll have to kill Sotoria to get the embers. Then we see a silver wolf out the window... Nyktos.

The end.