A review by booksintheirnaturalhabitat
Paris Never Leaves You by Ellen Feldman


Paris Never Leaves you is a compelling book of the lengths people will go to for the ones they love. Charlotte is working in a bookstore during the height of WWII and is doing everything she can to take care of her daughter Vivi. She hates what is happening to her city and the people who running things, but perhaps one of them might have some redeeming qualities that could save them. Then again, Charlotte may let her pride get the best of her instead.

As the book alternates between Charlotte’s present and past, the truth about Charlotte and Vivi comes out. Will it completely turn their world upside down or will they survive this too?

I really enjoyed this book – first, for the obvious reason that I too love books and bookstores. Secondly, the inner battles Charlotte has with herself constantly really felt true to the time period; does one do what they have to to survive, or do they stick to their ethics and take whatever comes?

If you are a WWII historical fiction buff like me, like alternating timelines and tense moments, this is a book you’ll want to grab a copy of.