A review by billymac1962
The End of Everything by Megan Abbott


As I begin this review, I still don't know whether to give this novel two stars or four.

I'll start with some things I didn't like:

I wasn't that keen on her writing style. I didn't notice this in The Fever, but it seemed the writing was a little too lyrical or poetic at points. This is something that typically drives me away, but I persevered because I became vested very early on in the story.
Another thing I don't like is ambiguity. To a point. I don't mind it if it's something we're not privy to (in this case,
SpoilerLizzie's view of Mr. Verver's and his daughter's relationship
,), but I really resent it when we are present in a scene and come away not really knowing what happened (in this case,
Spoilerwhat Lizzie actually did with Paul Shaw
). I can assume, but why put the reader through that? It's unnecessary in my opinion.

Also, I'm not a prude, and frankly I love stories that will push limits.
But, oh boy. This one really made me uncomfortable. This is what makes it tough to recommend.

What I did like:

I was so highly engaged in the story I could hardly put it down. Despite the writing style which is saying a lot, coming from me.
And, despite the ugly nature of the story, as much as it was bothersome, I can't get the damn book out of my mind. This is the mark of a great writer regardless of the context of the story.

I can't possibly give a novel that is so affecting two measly stars. So four it is.
It's worth noting here, that I wasn't intending on this novel as being my next Megan Abbott. But, the price suddenly dropped for Kindle so I took that as serendipitous. I know I still haven't read her better ones so this is exciting for sure.

Four stars, and, well, you've been warned.