A review by redhairedashreads
Ancient Enemy by Katie Reus


Ancient dragon shifter Rhys has awoken from his century long hibernation. Time has not dulled his thirst for vengeance against the witch who killed his sister. He tracks the witch to New Orleans but instead finds himself enthralled by a beautiful woman, who is also a witch.

I quite enjoyed this book. Rhys was mentioned by Lachlan in the previous books but he was still hibernating at that point. Rhys is a protective, angry, and arrogant dragon shifter who falls for the enemy. I really liked him and his determination to avenge his sister. I really loved how he took care of Dallas and protected her. He makes sure she doesn’t forget to live and spend time with her friends while trying to find the evil witches. I just loved how caring he became towards her.

Dallas was a fascinating witch. I wish we could have seen more of her abilities because she was very powerful. She was a kind, generous, but protective woman. She has spent so much of her life alone that she doesn’t even realize how lonely she has been until she meets Rhys. I just adored these two.

My favorite thing about this book though, was Willow. Willow was an adorable baby dragon who just kept being adorable. I loved how she helped out on the farm and protected her family. She was just a perfect animal companion. I cannot wait to read the next book in this series, which I hope will be King and Aurora’s book.

*ARC provided by Netgalley for an honest review.*

This review was originally posted at Red-Haired Ash Reads.