A review by troystory
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas


Oh. My. God. I rarely say books have the power to create change - but this one really, really does. It was incredibly powerful, raw, and emotional, right from the beginning, and... wow, there's so much this book did great. As a side note, I'm not black, so the message behind this book and the story it tells isn't one that personally affects me, and I can't even begin to comprehend its entirety. However, I firmly believe that it is important for everyone to read books like The Hate U Give, no matter what.

These books are important. These books are powerful, evocative, and humane, at their very core.

Other things I loved, in no particular order:
- Nothing about the writing seemed forced. I don't read a lot of YA novels because sometimes it feels like authors try too hard to sound hip and cool, and it comes off really cringey, but Angie Thomas's writing was always realistic and amazing. It always felt like it was Starr's perspective!
- All the characters had depth. Seriously, this is a reason on its own to read the book.
- Things were (usually) never black and white. A lot of the problems the characters faced had many facets and sides, and part of the characters' development was realizing that. I also loved that they all had their own lives, which intertwined with Starr's, but were also sometimes just mentioned. It really added depth and realism.
- It showed that not all white people are Good Inside and Willing To Change (aka Hailey). And there was no White Saviour Complex either (it's a terrible trope). This book was all about black empowerment, black people fighting for their justice, and it really showed.

I just... I don't even have the words to explain how incredible and powerful this book was. I'm very excited to watch the movie now! I absolutely recommend this book to everyone.