A review by booksbasilbabies
Blood and Salt by Kim Liggett


2.5 stars.

“When you fall in love, you will carve out your heart and throw it into the deepest ocean. You will be all in—blood and salt.”

This quote from Blood and Salt is how I wanted to feel about this book. I wanted to love it so badly and there were parts that had me almost believing it was possible. Maybe it was getting better...and then it showed me it was not.

There was some beautiful imagery and beautiful moments and beautiful words inside this book. But the story was choppy, cliched in spots and unbelievable in others—it was incredibly hard to suspend my belief for this story for some reason. I felt no deep connection with any of the characters. I’m disappointed because I really really wanted to love Blood and Salt.

But alas. It was not to be.