A review by regendanser
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


Because I am sick and my headache hurts too much to actually read words, I decided to try an audiobook. I'm still listening to it as I type and am about halfway now, but I can already say this is THE best sci-fi book I've ever read. Now, those that know me even a little, know that that doesn't say a whole lot about how good of a book it is, because I hardly read any sci-fi, but this defenitely belongs to my favourites and I have already recommended it. I find I have a very hard time pausing it for whatever reason, even though my head feels like a smith is using it as an anvil.

Some hours after that, I had finished the book. I think that last trick they pulled on Ender was one of the biggest plot twists I've ever read. If there's more sci-fi out there that's like this book, I might just start to read it more often ;)