A review by elylibrarysec
Under Your Skin by Shannyn Schroeder


Rating: 3.5 Stars

Emma is just a “little” frustrated. But then her hero comes riding up on a motorcycle – “sigh…” Sean O’Malley has met a force that just may rock him on his heels. Both of these characters don’t seem to let people see too much which makes it hard to figure out who they are. And I continued to feel that way as the story went on.

Once you meet Emma’s mother, you can just imagine the type of childhood she had. This story shows how true the saying, “you can pick your friends but not your family”. Maybe this is why she seems so indecisive about things. Sean’s family seemed more together. But that doesn’t change the fact that Sean needs to grow up. You can tell he wants a relationship but if he can’t be more responsible in his own life, how can he handle trying to form a relationship with a woman. The things these two have going on made it hard for me to think of them as a couple.

I just couldn’t feel any connection between Emma and Sean. I tried to because you want the main couple to be happy with each other but I failed at trying to see them getting old together. For me, it was the secondary characters that I enjoyed. Just because this story was a fail for me it didn’t stop me from wanting to know more about Nora and Tommy. What I did like was watching Emma break out of the shell she put around herself. I also got an ending that fit for these two. It’s not a happy ending, it’s not an over the top ending but after seeing these two characters together it’s just right.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.