A review by momodesu
Living by Lise Gold


I intentionally picked this book after reading another by the same author and really enjoying it. This one starts out HEAVY, and it touches on themes of suicide/attempted suicide, grief, and major depression throughout, especially early on, but man I just really loved the characters. Their development felt real and the love story was so nice, not too slow but not too rushed, and I really appreciate these romance stories that get deep without contrived interpersonal drama.

I will admit that I debated a lower rating because, at least in the Kindle version, there were some errors that were a bit frustrating. You don’t hope an injured toe “heels quickly”, you hope it heals quickly, and as was the case in the other book there were several places where the punctuation was off, mostly evidenced in quotation marks being omitted or in the wrong place in the text. I really wish a proofreader or editor had caught those because it made the read a bit choppy at a few points in the story. I also think she would have benefitted from an American proofreader since the story is set in California. There were multiple references to “toy boys,” which is the British term, in North America we call them boy toys, and there were a few other phrasing differences that stood out to me. It may seem like a small technicality, but as an American reading the book it felt awkward and out of place. Despite those issues I enjoyed the story and the characters immensely, so I decided to go with the 5-star rating.