A review by jenturnspages
The Rossetti Letter by Christi Phillips


It took a very long time to get invested in this book, and I wish I could say it captivated me through to the end, but it it didn't. There's certainly a way to write a book that flashes back and forth between the past and the present. Unfortunately, this is where I struggled with this book. I'm all for keeping a reader guessing until the end, but I prefer to be far less confused and struggling to remember which characters are which along the way. It's disappointing when you flash back and forth and can't even remember where you left the other characters the last time you were with them. There was just too much going back and forth, and several times, not enough happened to rally warrant it. Several chapters felt frivolous.

That being said, I really did enjoy the settings the author described. She really took you to Venice, both in the past and present. I got lost a few times, but doesn't everybody who visits Venice? I enjoyed the characters for the most part, though they all went into the realm of the unbelievable at times. Overall, it was an interesting read that could have done with a bit of plot restructuring.