A review by ameliapond72
Rowan Wood Legends by Olivia Wildenstein



This book was slightly better than the first one. It felt a bit more edited. But I still constantly questioned the decisions the characters were making and the way they were acting. The whole thing was whiplash. Who to trust, who to fall in love with, if we are even mad at someone. I had no clue how to feel. But the editing was better and I think I feel like we are standing on more solid ground in this one (though I have said that before).

SPOILERS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

But seriously, Catori is going from guy to guy. At the end of the last one I felt good with our standing with the hunter, but everything got turned around with this one. The way he acted when he learned the truth about his wife! Then he left when Catori was hurt! He just up and left and then he was mad at her? Even though he went off with another girl to "blow off steam" um, no sir. So now she has a knew guy and I like him but in my mind anything can happen. From Cruz to Kajika to Ace.

And the way Catori acts sometimes. I have no clue why she is so forgiving. But it definitely felt more cohesive than the first one.