A review by spiritmadeofstars
House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas

Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
 DNF - life is too short to force yourself to read a book you're not enjoying

I very much LOVED the first book. I devoured it last year during my quarantine and have been waiting for the sequel patiently.

When I started this book, I was excited to meet the characters again and meet some new ones, too. However, pov chapters can be both a blessing and a curse. Especially when you're enjoying one character's story and then you're thrown somewhere you really don't want to be at the moment.

Other than that I somehow found the characters bland and unlikable. I could not force myself to care. And I honestly can't even remember what they were looking for? Very forgettable.

I DNF-ed at 50%. I decided to give myself time away from the book and see if it lures me back in. If I get curious what the story holds. Nope.

The end of the year is approaching so I am shedding what doesn't serve me anymore.

If you enjoyed this book, I'm happy for you.