A review by labunnywtf
The Mutts Spring Diaries by Patrick McDonnell


The reason I love Mutts so much is that Patrick McDonnell does with his comics what I would do if I had artistic talent. His love for all animals screams from these sweet and funny pages. The jokes are never cruel, they're always gentle and while you may not cackle, you will definitely smile.

The Mutts talk to their animals friends in their language, dream of Africa, and attempt to turn into butterflies. So much sweetness crammed into these volumes, I don't know how anyone couldn't fall in love with this shmotley crew.

I had braced myself for the Shelter Stories, but I was not prepared for the chained up guard dog being shown kindness by the little girl. That one punched me hard in the heart strings.

Received via Netgalley in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.