A review by justmevictoria
Flawless by Sara Shepard


Review published on My Books Are Me - www.mybooksareme.weebly.com

Why has it taken me so long to read this series?! Book two in the Pretty Little Liars does not fail to pull me into the world of Rosewood and the lives of Aria, Emily, Spencer and Hanna, and I'm so pumped to continue to the series - I am committing to this 16 book (plus two bonus books) series and plan to see it through to the end!

Picking up straight after Pretty Little Liars, Spencer, Aria, Hanna and Emily are in shock to realise that, despite all their beliefs, Ali is not A, and someone else out there know their little secrets. In the week that follows Ali's memorial, life seems to get hectic for the liars - Aria discovers her dad is still seeing Meredith, the student he had an affair with before moving to Iceland, and A tells her she must tell her mother, or they will. Hanna's dad is back in town after her car-stealing incident, and just when she thinks they can be a family again, A manages to ruin everything. Despite her parents banning her from seeing him, Wren and Spencer get together in secret, but it's not all happy-couples forever. And Emily is torn by her feelings for Maya, and wanting to be 'normal'. And as the benefit Foxy rolls around, everyone's on edge as to who A is, and a face from their past seems to be everywhere. Is he A?

This book is where we start seeing how the show diverged away from the story Sara had written, and I was quite surprised at how it ended - I was not expecting that person to die considering they are very much alive on the show. I really wish we got some more character development from them - it is only book two after all and I'm sure it would have been great to see them develop like they have on the show. I'm interested to see how the books now focus on the story without this person, as they do play an important role in the TV series, so this should be fun.

I am really enjoying these separate chapters for each character as they usually end on some sort of cliffhanger-esque point, and I always want to keep reading about that particular liar. This technique works well at the moment with the girl still being really distant from one another, and I just wonder how it will work if they ever grow closer - I shall have to wait and see.

The flashbacks have also been great and they definitely leave you wanting more, just giving you enough information to push the story forward, but leaving you needing, or really wanting, more details. It definitely seems as if we will get more of this backstory throughout the series, and I hope we get end up getting a complete picture of the friendship of Ali and the girls.

Overall, I still really recommend this series and can't wait to keep going (book three is great so far). I'm loving these differences from the show, because it seems to be giving extra backstory and subplot and I can't wait to see where Sara takes this story and the characters.