A review by hweezbooks
The Red Thread by Dawn Farnham


If you are into Singapore and you are into historical fiction, this is a book for you. It's the first I have read ever of a love story set in Singapore in the 1830s. This means Coleman of Coleman Street, Balestier and Whampoa are alive in this fictitious story quite beautifully imagined by Farnham. It attempts to be lyrical as well, often dipping into poetry, if you like that sort of thing. Mind you, it gets rather steamy in the last quarter of the book. It took me a while to get through this, it wasn't immediately riveting. And for goodness sake, wasn't there an editor? Proofreader? A key character, Takouhi, had her name misspelled at least three times. Quite unforgivable for a book that aspires to be more.