A review by lattelibrarian
A River of Words: The Story of William Carlos Williams by Jen Bryant


If there's a book out there, and Melissa Sweet has illustrated it, I will likely love it.  As it would turn out, Melissa Sweet illustrated this book, and I definitely love it.  This time, she aids Jen Bryant in telling the story of William Carlos William, a poet at birth who must learn to value the sciences in order to make a living.  

To be honest, I didn't know who William Carlos Williams was before reading this, and now I do, and I know lots about him.  Just imagine if I'd read this when I was a child!  Just imagine if you read this to a child!  I absolutely loved how Bryant and Sweet tackled this, especially in regards to the tiring division between the arts and the sciences, and the balance one sometimes must create in order to exist in this world.

Review cross-listed here!